Immerse yourself in a world of relaxation where every gesture is inspired by the majestic nature of the Alps, offering you a wellness experience as revitalizing as a mountain getaway.
We are open 7 days a week, but not at specific hours. Please make an appointment by email or phone.
The world of massage is rich and inspiring. It provides new experiences by engaging the senses and guarantees exceptional relaxation. Between the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you deserve to spend time on yourself, for your body and mind. I offer you a moment of well-being and rest in a warm and relaxing atmosphere. As a masseuse certified by the prestigious World Federation of Massage organization, massage is not only my job, but also my passion ; I provide care and attention to my clients by offering massages performed at the highest level. In order to take care of your needs, I have designed my salon with the greatest attention to detail, so that you can feel exceptionally cared from the moment you arrive, until the moment you leave. My salon is an oasis of peace, where you can fully relax.
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